
Below are original videos created by Harriet Speaks to help you along your journey to understanding race, diversity, and inclusion.


Unpacking Your Story on Race

In this video, Harriet Speaks' Founder and President Jyarland Daniels, Esq., MBA discusses what should be the first step in one's journey towards becoming more inclusive and understanding race, diversity, and inclusion.

When we unpack our stories on race, we start with asking ourselves what messages have we received from family, friends, community, and society at large.

Understanding Implicit Bias

In this video, Harriet Speaks' Founder and President Jyarland Daniels, Esq., MBA discusses unconscious biases, explains that we all have them, and shares strategies on how we can manage them.

Keys To Effective Dialog

In this video, Harriet Speaks' Founder and President Jyarland Daniels, Esq., MBA discusses keys to effective dialog for difficult topics, but especially those related to race, diversity, and inclusion. We cannot solve problems that we cannot talk about. Therefore, this video is a helpful tool for all of us on our journey to create a more just and equitable society.

Harriet Speaks Journal & Workbook on Race, Diversity, & Inclusion Cover Small

reflection journal and workbook on race, diversity & inclusion

Lasting behavioral change comes when you focus not only on “what” you do, but on “why” you do it. This free writable pdf helps our clients examine their beliefs on race, anti-blackness, and other ‘isms’ through journaling and reflection.